Use "impotence|impotences" in a sentence

1. Impotence.

2. It's a steroid-induced impotence.

3. (Hemorrhage or impotence, for example)

4. Synonyms for Barrennesses include childlessness, fruitlessness, impotences, infertilities, sterilities, unproductiveness, infecundities, unfruitfulness, erectile

5. His impotence to help made him despair.

6. Abnormal ejaculation, amenorrhoea, breast enlargement, gynecomastia, impotence, menorrhagia

7. Synonyms: behest, charge, Commandment… Antonyms: impotence, impotency, powerlessness…

8. Impotence has physical causes more than half the time.

9. The omnipotence of love is its impotence.

10. Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.

11. Violence may result from a sense of impotence.

12. What could they do, except be made miserable by impotence?

13. Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence.

14. Ambulatory rigidity and tumescence scanner used for impotence testing

15. Impotence affects 10 million men in the US alone.

16. 18 Tears of self-pity, perhaps, tears of anger and impotence certainly.

17. Do not use a cock ring to treat impotence.

18. Tears of self-pity, perhaps, tears of anger and impotence certainly.

19. Herta continues to be very good, or at least very silent, about my impotence.

20. They include impotence, erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, rectal tearing, fecal incontinence.

21. Now I see a sign about a clinic for male impotence.

22. He said, "It's always important to distinguish between chastity and impotence." Now --

23. 21 In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a comforting thought arrived.

24. The argument from intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence. Ayn Rand 

25. Antonyms for Articulateness include inArticulateness, inarticulacy, hesitancy, inability, weakness, incompetence, dullness, impotence, obscureness and obscurity

26. Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses.

27. As time goes by, Herta seems more and more put out - by my impotence.

28. Also patron of spousal Separation, and unhappily married men; he is invoked against impotence.

29. Antonyms for Conclusiveness include inConclusiveness, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, uncertainty, inadequacy, uselessness, powerlessness, impotence

30. Impotence has for some time been the leading complaint at most college psychiatric clinics.

31. There is no shortcut to human fulfillment for men-just the short circuit of impotence.

32. In general the colonial revolution has helped to overcome lethargy and the feeling of political impotence.

33. 15 The argument from intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence. Ayn Rand 

34. As Spinoza stated long ago, such power is the place of sadness and of the most absolute impotence.

35. It must now face the imperial impotence that Britain has found it so difficult to adapt to.

36. Their discoveries about managerial work and their feelings of impotence made it a very unnerving prospect.

37. Andrology is the speciality that deals with male health; particularly male infertility, impotence & sexual dysfunction

38. During the counselling sessions some of the young troopers in the East mentioned impotence as being chief among their difficulties.

39. You'll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and " impotence " -- the headline is, " Impotent " -- it's not emphysema.

40. If one can not muster a godlike detachment, a sense of impotence is the next best protection from despair.

41. Well, apparently, the angle of the seat, it restricts blood flow, causing low sperm count and / or possible impotence.

42. You’ll notice the limp cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and "impotence" -- the headline is, "Impotent" -- it’s not emphysema.

43. There was a feeling of helpless impotence which permeated up through the ranks from GI to Supreme Command.

44. During the previous 6 months, the patient had noticed leg edema, weight gain (particularly in the face and abdomen), and impotence.

45. I had seen the billboard for male impotence, but I did not really know what had been going on down here.

46. Certain drugs given for some other disorder may cause temporary impotence(, so that is something to check with the doctor.

47. Adverse reactions to anabolic steroids include increased cholesterol, edema, a higher risk of coronary artery disease, enlarged prostate, liver tumors, testicular atrophy, and impotence.

48. The flagship product of the United States pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will now have to contend with another drug that treats impotence.

49. This would indicate that the expectation of impotence in old age can play an important role in actually bringing it about.

50. My mother had just died and I found the book very Comforting. In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a Comforting thought arrived

51. 18 The flagship product of the United States pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will now have to contend with another drug that treats impotence.

52. ERIC FREDERIC WILLIAM FARRAR The weakest and the worst have somehow got to the top, and giants are Bolstering up the impotence of dwarfs

53. Andrology definition is - a branch of medicine concerned with the anatomy, functions, and disorders (such as infertility or impotence) of the male reproductive system.

54. Common side effects of Antabuse include drowsiness, tiredness, headache, acne, metallic or garlic-like taste in the mouth, skin rash, impotence, and swollen or sore tongue

55. We need to reflect on this and to choose a more honourable way of abandoning the clauses rather than continuing to display our hypocrisy and impotence.

56. If the plaque is large and accompanied by impotence, plaque incision with vein graft and the insertion of an inflatable prosthesis is the usual treatment course.

57. Broomrape Chinese medicine An annual parasitic herb, the fleshy stem of which has been used as an emollient, laxative and tonic, as well as for constipation, impotence and infertility.

58. Darmon describes the symptom of ‘Arctitude’, or a vagina too narrow to penetrate, as well as membranes or other obstructions in the womb that might be classed as female impotence

59. What Are Side Effects of Antabuse? Common side effects of Antabuse include: drowsiness, tiredness, headache, metallic or garlic-like taste in the mouth, skin rash or acne, impotence, and ; swollen or

60. Seduction, fornication, adultery, pregnancy, Bastardies, illegitimacy, prostitu-tion, lascivious cohabitation, abortion, infanticide, obscene publication, libel and slander of sex, impotence, divorce.' 14 Missing from his parade of horribles were most common law crimes

61. Common side effects of Atropine are those of parasympathetic stimulation and include dryness of the mouth and eyes, decreased sweating, hyperthermia, headache, visual blurring, constipation, urinary retention, impotence, tachycardia and palpitations, anxiety, restlessness and in some instances agitation and hallucinations.

62. Aphrodisiac – Libido – Sexual health List of Medicinal Plants : Here is a collection of Aphrodisiac plants that restore sexual energy, desire, libido, manage impotence and premature ejaculation, and promote fertility… as well as combating menopause, hot flushes, painful periods…

63. The Autopen Introducing the Autopen: Available Exclusively from Michigan ED Clinics This easy to use, multi-dose injection pen, provides men suffering from ED and Impotence a convenient, comfortable, and discreet method of delivering their preset dose of medication.

64. He can take a man or a nation, who has all the impotence of the worm, and by the invigoration of His own Spirit, He can endow with strength by which a noble mark is left upon the history of the time.

65. 20 He can take a man or a nation, who has all the impotence of the worm, and by the invigoration of His own Spirit, He can endow with strength by which a noble mark is left upon the history of the time.

66. Those of Cromwell, Mlle de Maupin and Dumas fils, the Caducities, impotence, blasphemy, asphyxiation, suffocation, rages - in front of these filthy mass graves, which I blush to name, it is time to finally react against what shocks us and bends us so sovereignly.

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68. Arendt wrote: ‘[O]rganized loneliness is considerably more dangerous than the unorganized impotence of all those who are ruled by the tyrannical and arbitrary will of a single man.’ So, even if Trump were all the things Hertz and his other Anathematisers claim, he is not …

69. The symptoms and signs may include rapidly developing Adiposity of the face, neck, and trunk, kyphosis caused by osteoporosis of the spine, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, amenorrhea, hypertrichosis in females, impotence in males, dusky complexion with purple markings, polycythemia, pain in the abdomen and back, and muscular wasting and weakness.

70. Andropause Male climacteric, male menopause Endocrinology A constellation of changes that occur in older ♂, including ↓ libido, sexual performance, ↓ sperm quantity and quality, erectile dysfunction, frailty, ↓ muscle and bone mass, and ↑ body fat Clinical Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, irritability, weakness, lethargy, ↓ lean body and bone mass, and impotence Management Some

71. Mealy > impotence; nineties lunation was, bacterially consign, incompressibility that unlimited hydrocortisone, bavarianed to a tile mangosteen.To despoil to the expensive purse designers of the replica designer handbags, fashion to out to the expensive car, and anew to straw himself elite, personalised but a perversive tupelo.Here were Aphorizes of left-of-center expensive purse designers

72. The ligand polypeptide of the invention can be used with advantage as a prolactin secretion inhibitory agent in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases associated with prolactin secretion, such as pituitary adenomatosis, brain tumor, emmeniopathy, autoimmune disease, prolactinoma, infertility, impotence, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, acromegaly, Chiari-Frommel syndrome, Argonz-del Castilo syndrome, Forbes-Albright syndrome, lymphoma, Sheehan syndrome or dyszoospermia.

73. So Baldly stated, it is easy to react almost viscerally--in one's "intellectual viscera," if such an organ can be imagined--to Patterson's thesis, and to reactively denounce the possibility of such a causal connection, of one of the noblest statements of individual right to the most ignoble state of personal rightlessness, impotence, social

74. Erectile dysfunction What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a man has repeated problems sustaining an erection. Without treatment, ED can make sexual intercourse difficult. The condition, sometimes called impotence, affects an estimated 15 million to 30 million men in the U.S. While the topic was once taboo, awareness has skyrocketed with recent advances in treatment for ED. ED vs. Poor libido There are several forms of male sexual dysfunction, including poor libido and problems with ejaculation. But ED refers specifically to problems achieving or maintaining an erection. Men with ED often have a healthy libido, yet the body fails to respond. In most cases, there is a physical basis for the problem. Symptoms of ED Symptoms of ED include: Triệu chứng của rối loạn chức năng cương dương gồm:     * Erections that are too soft for sex.     * Erections that last only briefly.     * An inability to achieve erections. These symptoms may occur every time sex is initiated or only some of the time. Who gets ED? ED becomes more common as men age, but it is not a part of aging. At age 40, about 5% of men experience ED. At age 65, this number jumps to between 15% and 25%. But this does not mean growing older is the end of your sex life. ED can be treated at any age. The mechanics of ED An erection occurs when blood fills two chambers known as the corpora cavernosa. This causes the penis to expand and stiffen, much like a balloon as it is filled with water. The process is triggered by impulses from the brain and genital nerves. Anything that blocks these impulses or restricts blood flow to the penis can result in ED. Causes of ED: Chronic disease The link between chronic disease and ED is most striking for diabetes (depicted here by a blood sugar test). Nearly one out of every two men with diabetes experiences ED. Other conditions that may cause ED include cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), kidney disease, and multiple sclerosis. These illnesses can impair blood flow or nerve impulses throughout the body. Causes of ED: Lifestyle Lifestyle choices that impair blood circulation can contribute to ED. Smoking, excessive drinking, and drug abuse may damage the blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the penis. Smoking makes men with atherosclerosis particularly vulnerable to ED. Being overweight and getting too little exercise are other possible risk factors. Causes of ED: Surgery Surgery, including treatments for prostate or bladder cancer, can sometimes damage nerves and blood vessels near the penis. In some cases, the nerve damage is permanent, and the patient will require treatment to achieve an erection. In others, surgery causes temporary ED that improves on its own after 6 to 18 months. Causes of ED: Medication ED may be a side effect of medication, including certain blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and antihistamines. Men should talk with their doctor if they suspect a prescription or over-the-counter drug may be causing erectile problems. Causes of ED: Psychological ED usually has something physical behind it, particularly in older men. But psychological factors may be to blame in 10% to 20% of men with ED. Experts say stress, depression, poor self-esteem, and performance anxiety can short-circuit the process that leads to an erection. These factors can also make the problem worse in men whose ED stems from something physical. ED and bicycling Research suggests avid cyclists suffer more ED than other athletes. The trouble lies in the shape of some bicycle seats that put pressure on the perineum. This area between the anus and scrotum contains arteries and nerves vital to sexual arousal. Cyclists who ride for many hours each week may benefit from seats designed to protect the perineum. Diagnosing ED: Physical Exam To diagnose ED, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history. The doctor will conduct a complete physical exam to uncover signs such as poor circulation or nerve trouble. And your physician will look for abnormalities of the genital area that could cause problems with erections. Diagnosing ED: Lab tests Several lab tests can help diagnose male sexual problems. Measuring testosterone levels can determine whether there is a hormonal imbalance, which is often linked to decreased desire. Blood cell counts, cholesterol levels, and liver function tests can reveal medical conditions that may account for ED. ED: A sign of heart disease? In some cases, ED can be a warning sign of more serious disease. A 2010 study suggests ED is a strong predictor of heart attack, stroke, and death from cardiovascular disease. The researchers say all men diagnosed with ED should be evaluated for cardiovascular disease. This does not mean every man with ED will develop heart disease, or that every man with heart disease has ED, but patients should be aware of the link. Treating ED: Lifestyle changes Many men with ED are able to improve sexual function by making a few lifestyle changes. Giving up smoking, losing weight, and exercising more often can help by improving blood flow. If you suspect a medication could be contributing to ED, talk to your doctor about adjusting your dosage or switching to another option. Treating ED: Medications You've probably heard of Viagra, but it's not the only pill for ED. This class of drugs also includes Cialis, Levitra and Staxyn. All work by improving blood flow to the penis during arousal. They're generally taken an hour before sexual activity and should not be used more than once a day. Cialis can be taken up to 36 hours before sexual activity and also comes in a lower, daily dose. Staxyn dissolves in the mouth. All require an OK from your doctor first for safety. Treating ED: Injections While pills for ED are convenient, some men sustain stronger erections by injecting medication directly into the penis. Drugs approved for this purpose work by widening the blood vessels, causing the penis to become engorged with blood. Another option is inserting a medicated pellet into the urethra. The pellet can trigger an erection within 10 minutes. Treating ED: Vacuum Devices (Pumps) Vacuum devices for ED, also called pumps, offer an alternative to medication. The penis is placed inside a cylinder. A pump draws air out of the cylinder, creating a partial vacuum around the penis. This causes it to fill with blood, leading to an erection. An elastic band worn around the base of the penis maintains the erection during intercourse. Treating ED: Surgery If ED is caused by a blockage in an artery leading to the penis, surgery can often restore blood flow. Good candidates are typically younger men whose blockage stems from an injury to the crotch or pelvis. The procedure is not recommended for older men with narrowing of the arteries. Treating ED: Implants In men with persistent ED, a penile implant can restore sexual function. An inflatable implant uses two cylinders that are surgically placed inside the penis. When an erection is desired, the man uses a pump to fill the cylinders with pressurized fluid. Another option is a malleable implant, which bolsters erections with surgically implanted rods. Treating ED: Psychotherapy Even when ED has a known physical cause, psychotherapy can be beneficial. A therapist can teach the man and his partner techniques to reduce performance anxiety and improve intimacy. Therapy can also help couples adjust to the use of vacuum devices and implants. Treating ED: Alternative therapies Talk with your doctor before trying supplements for ED. They can contain 10 or more ingredients and may complicate other health conditions. Asian ginseng and ginkgo biloba are popular, but there isn't a lot of good research on their effectiveness. Some men find that taking a DHEA supplement improves their ability to have an erection. Unfortunately, the long-term safety of DHEA supplements is unknown. Most doctors do not recommend using it. Treating ED: Buyer beware A quick web search will reveal dozens of "dietary supplements" that claim to treat ED. But the FDA warns that many of these are not what they seem. An investigation discovered the pills often contain prescription drugs not listed on the label, including the active ingredient in Viagra. This puts the man at risk for dangerous drug interactions. ED: Reducing your risk Some tips to reduce your risk of ED include:     * Exercise and maintain a healthy weight.     * Stop smoking.     * Avoid alcohol and substance abuse.     * Keep your diabetes under control. Discussing ED with your partner It's natural to feel angry or embarrassed when dealing with ED. But don't forget that your partner is also affected. Talking openly about ED will help your partner understand the diagnosis and treatment options. This will reassure your partner that you haven't lost interest.